Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thought of the day

We need to remember that God wants us to receive eternal happiness. It is so important that we learn to trust in Him. He will guide, comfort, strengthen, lift, help,tutor, and bless us if we allow him to. There are many accounts in the scriptures concerning people who have put their trust in him and have been supported in their trials and have become stronger for it. Remember Danial, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who was asked to partake of King Nebuchadnezzar food which was not good for their bodies? They knew that God cared about what they put into their bodies, so they refused to take in this harmful food. The account in the scriptures tells us that because they trusted in God's law of health; they were wiser and healthier than the other youth in the kings courts.Think also about the fishermen who were by the Sea of Galilee, Christ told them to follow him and he would make them fishers of men. They trusted God, and straightway followed Him. They ended up becoming his disciples, and received all the blessings promised to those who bring forth His light. Joseph Smith also trusted in God and knew from reading the account in James chapter one verse 5, that if he wanted wisdom he would have to ask God. We know that this is exactly what he did. Joseph prayed to know which church to join and was given an answer, which led him to restore Christ's church on the earth again. Now, because of his trust we have been blessed to receive the necessary ordinances, which will help prepare us to enter back into His presence some day. I know that God loves each of us and that he is no respecter of people. He only cares for our eternal welfare. We just need to trust in Him and His words, so that we can be strengthened, blessed, comforted, and led to a far greater way of life now and in the eternities.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts of the day

The Book of Mormon is an amazing book. We learn that we can call upon God and he hears our prayers. There's an account about a couple of brothers who didn't believe that God could answer their prayers. In fact,their brother Nephi asks them bluntly,"have you inquired of the Lord?" They basically told Nephi that they had not, and did not believe that God would answer their questions. I have pondered this story and have actually felt bad for Laman and Lemuel. I wondered how could they be so blind. Why couldn't they just take a moment and find out for themselves if God hears and answers their prayers? Then, I realized that whether I want to admit it or not; I might be a little like them. How often I have read things in the scriptures and haven't taken the time to ask God for further light and knowledge. Also, how often do I try to get through my day without calling on the person who could give me the guidance I would need. God has helped me so much in my life and he will continue to be there, all I need to do is ask.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

thoughts of the day

In 2Kings chapter 24 we learn that Zedekiah who is only 21 years old is made king of Jerusalem.We are told in verse 19 that he did that which is evil in the sight of the Lord. We learn in 2Kings 17:13, that prophets were sent to tell Jerusalem to repent or their great city would be destroyed.We also can learn from the Bible that these people would not listen to the prophets.The women made cakes to Ishtar which was a fertility goddess. They committed vile deeds, adultery, spoke lying words in God's name. They also polluted the house of the Lord. We are told that their abominations were like the Heathens. Lehi, was one of the prophets sent to testify to Jerusalem that their great city would be destroyed, and the inhabitants thereof; many should perish by the sword, and many should be carried away captive into Babylon. (1Nephi 1:13) . This actually happened. we can read about it in 2Kings chapter 25. When I read this account I wonder why the people didn't listen to those whom God sent to warn the people to repent or they would be destroyed. I want to say that if I lived then, I would of been one to repent quickly. I would stop what I was doing that is wrong and change. Does God send prophets today as he did in ancient time to warn us to repent and make changes in our lives? I know he does. We have a living prophet today who's name is President Thomas S. Monson. We can recognize that he is truly God's prophet by prayer. In the Bible we are taught that by their fruits Ye shall know them. President Monson only tries to counsel us to repent and try to become like the Savior. I'm trying hard to listen to him, because I don't want to be like those people who didn't.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thought for the day

One of my favorite books to read is the Book of Mormon. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. In first Nephi chapter 12, it talks about a man named Nephi, who had a great desire to know the mysteries of God. He took the necessary steps in receiving his desire. First he cries unto the Lord. The Lord softens his heart, so that Nephi is placed in a position to believe. Second, he followed those who were sent to lead him, which at that time was his father. Third, he listened and followed any promptings he received from the spirit. Fourth, he trusted in God and was willing to do or go through anything the Lord saw fit. Fifth, He sought him diligently and with exceeding great faith. It wasn't just a one time prayer or effort. I know that God hears and answers our prayers. I also know that if we truly desire to be righteous and follow his son Jesus Christ, we must take the same steps that Nephi took to obtain our desires.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

thoughts of the day

As I say my prayers with my wonderful husband every day, I thought about the privilege it is to hear the prayers of my companion. He may say things in the prayer that I may have forgotten to pray for, or that I didn't think about. What an added blessing it is to me to say amen, which transfers all those expressions of gratitude, as well as pleadings and blessings to me.