Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thoughts of the day

Nephi, one of the Book of Mormon prophets  knew that God had given him a commandment to get the brass plates. Even though he knew that it would be a hard thing to accomplish, he was still  faithful to the commandments he received from God. He trusted that through God's wisdom; he could accomplish what the Lord had commanded him to do. Likewise, there are trials we must face that sometimes are to overwhelming for us, but we need to know for ourselves, that it is through the wisdom of God that we must face these things.  We need to have the faith and determination, like Nephi did, to accomplish what the Lord commands of us, no matter how hard things may seem. Nephi never gave up. He figured out a way to accomplish what the Lord had given him to do,even though it meant  losing all of his family's possessions. What do we need to give up or do, to help us accomplish what the Lord would have us to do and become.  Sometimes in life, we feel a need for his grace, so much more than at other times.  What could we give up to have his help more during those times of our greatest need?  We are here to accomplish his work.  He didn't say it would be easy he only promises us that it would be worth it. And the great thing is, he will help us be successful.

If you would like a copy of the Book of Mormon make a comment on my blog and I will try to get you a copy.

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